3/27/2020 0 Comments A LENTEN JOURNEY. Read Matthew 5, 6,7 & Book “Encounters and Reflections – Can you hear me now?” by A. O. Brown. “Catching the Sun” page 21. 3/27/20.Keep Asking, Searching and Knocking He (Jesus the Christ) began to teach them saying…: “Don’t assume that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For I assure you : Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or one stroke of a letter will pass from the law until all things are accomplished.” Matthew 5 v17 – v18. The Lord Jesus emphasizes His purpose and also makes a clear connection between His life and purpose to the fulfilling of Law and the Prophets. It is interesting that there is a call to surpass the “righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees.” These individuals were known for expounding on the text and commands in scripture, however, they did not live lives that mirrored the fulfillment of the written law. “Though the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees was impressive to human observation, it could not prevail before God.” (Isaiah 64:6). Enduring Word. The next lessons shared in Chapter 5 all relate to the Law, however now, the heart of an individual is now presented as the measure for each individual’s alignment to fulfilling the Law. Subtitles in this chapter and Bible (HCSB) are: Murder begins in the heart, Adultery of the heart, Divorce Practices Censured, Tell the Truth, Go the Second Mile and Love Your Enemies. Each of these topics can be explored, in depth, because the topic involves major aspects of our being. Matthew Chapter 6 v1-v34 shifts to practices and demonstrations of our engagement in a journey of faith: Subtitles: How to Give, How to Pray, The Model Prayer (Our Father in heaven..) How to Fast, God and Possessions and the Cure for Anxiety (Don’t worry about your life… v 25) and Do Not Judge chapter 7 v 1-6. My focus is Chapter 7 v 7–v 12 “Keep asking and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Chapter 7 v7-v8. Persistence leads to fulfillment is the message given by the statements made by Jesus in this text. What, however, are the types of requests and seeking that the Lord is encouraging? “Ask… seek… knock: We see a progressive intensity, going from ask to seek to knock. Jesus told us to have intensity, passion, and persistence in prayer. The fact that Jesus came back to the subject of prayer – already dealt with in some depth in Matthew 6:5-15 – shows the importance of prayer…..” Enduring Word “Ask with confidence and humility. Seek with care and application. Knock with earnestness and perseverance.” (Clarke) Enduring Word. In our current time of uncertainty and humility it is good to know that our Heavenly Father wants to respond to our prayers. We must pursue God knowing that a response will come to those who are actively seeking Him. Written by Annette O. Brown 3/27/20 All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author.
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AuthorAnnette Brown embarked on a life journey of Christianity, over 20 years ago. A reflective educator and avid constructivist - reflection has been a part of her daily work and a tool for personal growth and assessment. Birthed out of this practice is reflection connected to divinely inspired insight and revelation . Her first book "Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now" encompasses these perspectives through a lens of story telling and photographic images. Archives
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