3/28/2021 0 Comments Triumphal Entry!Hosanna in the highest! Daffodils visually announce the grace of Spring's arrival. Even this flower's shape resembles the shape of a trumpet - an instrument often used in fanfare and celebration of Royalty. Palm Sunday, commemorates a day when life, joy and happiness overtook a people who recognized the Messiah. Title: Choose Life. "See, today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and adversity." Deuteronomy 30 v 15. HCSB
3/20/21 "Sing to the Lord a new song." Psalm 96 v1. This is the scripture that came to my mind. A red winged black bird allowed me to hear this serenade up close and personal. I had to stop and pay attention at the beginning of my walk in a local park. Whether a whistle or a song, both affect our moods in positive way. STANDING PROUD, STANDING STRONG. 3/23/21
I received this touching image with an enlightening text message this afternoon: "Took this picture and thought of you. It's a reflection of trees standing proud in it's season. In it's winter season." This photographer and sister in Christ remembered the book and connected this image with "Encounters and Reflections." I pray that the book continues to facilitate these inspirations from the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing. May we all stand proud and strong like these trees through our winter season. 3/23/2021 0 Comments Tranquility.3/20/2021 2 Comments Perfect Peace: "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26 v 3. |
AuthorAnnette O. Brown is the author of Encounters and Reflections. Get your copy today! Archives
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