“After singing psalms, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” Matthew 26 v 30
It was the first day of the Festival of Unleavened bread. It is written in Scripture, the disciples asked Jesus where he wanted them to prepare the Passover for him to eat it.. At this time the disciples did not realize Jesus was in the process of fulfilling a significant part of his purpose and ministry to us all. Passover commemorates the deliverance and exodus of the Israelites from the bondage and tyranny of the Egyptians. The appointed time had come for their deliverance. Pharaoh finally released them after the tenth plague was sent, into all Egypt, in response to Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go. The first born male of every family and animal in the land was killed. Specific instructions, however, were given by God to Moses and Aaron for the Israelites to escape this plague. The instructions included the selection and slaughter of an unblemished male sheep or goat, a year old, for each household. “They must take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and lintel of the house where they eat them..roasted over a fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs…You are to eat it in a hurry: it is the Lord’s Passover. I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and strike every firstborn male in the land of Egypt both man and beast. ..when I see the blood I will pass over you.” ( Exodus 12 v7 -13). This epic event highlights so many things in the natural and in the spiritual realm. The strong hold that Pharaoh tried to keep over the Israelites mirrors the ongoing warfare we have with evil spirits. Most significantly, at that time, was the Lord’s requirement for something to die in order to cover or protect human beings from His wrath. In later years, the High Priest would sacrifice animals once a year in a symbolic sign of atonement. “But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.” (Hebrews 9 v 7). The Passover lamb that was slain and it’s blood was put on the doorposts to signify a sacrificial death took place. In similitude, the sacrificial lamb, Jesus, came prepared to present his body as a living sacrifice for us all. Therefore as He was coming into the world, He said: “You did not want sacrifice and offering, but you prepared a body for Me, You did not delight In whole burnt offerings and sin offerings Then I said, “ See – It is written about Me In the volume of the scroll. I have come to do your will God!” ( Hebrews 10 v 5). The Passover celebration includes a time of singing psalms in the area that the meal is experienced. After concluding the Passover meal they sung the traditional psalms and then Jesus made his way, significantly, to the Mount of Olives where the garden of Gethsemane is located. Here, the humanity and spirit of Jesus struggled in a torturous fight regarding obedience to the Father’s will. He accepted a demeaning and painful death. Jesus’ journey lead to death on a cross and temporary separation from God, the Father. The resurrection of Christ signifies the ultimate plan of God. It was prophesied, written and in faith we believe that the payment for sin was paid, power was taken away from death and everlasting life, through Christ, has been restored to humanity. Jesus took part in the celebration and memorial knowing that this time he would present himself as the ultimate, once and for all, sacrifice. During the Passover meal he lead the disciples into a recognition of a new covenant through his body and blood. Today, many of us continue this sacrament, a communion partaken in remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. Thank you Lord for being the ultimate sacrifice for all of my sins. We all have the opportunity to accept the atonement made for us. During this season, many of us set time aside to specifically recollect the purpose driven ministry of Jesus the Christ. We will consider the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice and try to understand the personal love God has for us all. He did it all for me! and for you.
AuthorAnnette Brown embarked on a life journey of Christianity, over 20 years ago. A reflective educator and avid constructivist - reflection has been a part of her daily work and a tool for personal growth and assessment. Birthed out of this practice is reflection connected to divinely inspired insight and revelation . Her first book "Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now" encompasses these perspectives through a lens of story telling and photographic images. Archives
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