I sat on the travel bag. The contents were soft and malleable. After all, many conscientious decisions had been made to disregard one specific item after the next. The camera bag was too bulky. I wanted to hone my skills in photography, however, making compact space was my primary concern. Each article of clothing was tightly folded and assessed for efficiency. No item was kept in the bag unless relevant and succinct use was determined. The process of packing a light travel bag is similar to our process of decision making during our life journey. Often, hard choices need to be made to remove physical, mental or spiritual items that have the potential to weigh us down. "Overload" can occur in every area of our lives. As I laid each individual article of clothing down on the bed, I made a mental picture of possible outfits. In addition, I decided to try on each article of clothing to make sure they fit well. How often do we imagine that something or someone will be a perfect fit? Actual interaction with an item, or indeed a person, can provide critical knowledge and this knowledge can affect one's choices and future actions. Jesus said we should take His yoke upon us. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30. But what does this scripture mean? Through the revelation and acceptance that Jesus is Lord, we have the opportunity to take on a lifestyle that provides a Peace that passes all understanding. Jesus says take on my yoke and learn of me. During the Lord's time here, in the manifestation of Jesus the Christ, his primary task was teaching. "Take on my yoke and learn of me...." Our Creator wants us to learn of Him. While we learn about and from Him, we in turn, learn more about ourselves. 'Love will be a commanding, constraining principle; and where love is, duty follows from a principle of gratitude. God will not only love obedient believers, but he will take pleasure in loving them, will rest in love to them. He will be with them as his home." John Henry Commentary (John 14:18). The Lord sent the promised Holy Spirit to continue the facilitation of teaching. "If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever-- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.". John 14:15-17. (NIV). We, of course, also have the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. We need the insight and revelation provided by the Holy Spirit for interpretation and understanding of the Bible. During my prayerful process of, Holy Spirit led, choices I am thankful for every opportunity to be guided by our Heavenly Father. Like the unwelcome prospect of an overweight suitcase, I am eager to make my life-journey lighter and less burdensome. © 2018-2024 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author.
AuthorAnnette Brown embarked on a life journey of Christianity, over 20 years ago. A reflective educator and avid constructivist - reflection has been a part of her daily work and a tool for personal growth and assessment. Birthed out of this practice is reflection connected to divinely inspired insight and revelation . Her first book "Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now" encompasses these perspectives through a lens of story telling and photographic images. Archives
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© 2018-2025 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author.