12/31/2024 0 Comments The Arrival - It Is WrittenOxford Languages Dictionary Advent: the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: the coming or second coming of Christ A lot happened before Jesus, the Christ, was laid in a manger. The advent or arrival of a notable person or event in the earth realm was momentous! The second coming of Christ also promises to be AWESOME! “Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” (Matthew 1:18-19). Mary became pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Her husband, whom one can sympathize with, planned to divorce her without making any fuss or demands, however, an angel advised him not to reject Mary. Fear of infidelity, pregnancy, thoughts about divorce, distrust, disappointment, pain, humiliation. The latter was experienced, in significant ways, by Mary and Joseph. After supernatural intervention, Joseph and Mary committed to each other as husband and wife. There are situations that may seem insurmountable, however, with God all things are possible. Mary and Joseph were selected to support and facilitate the birth and growth of the person of Jesus Christ who is Holy God manifested in the flesh. God Head - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three in One. Like Joseph, our Father in heaven in committed to us, His Creation. Our infidelities and imperfections do not nullify the Grace the Lord has for us. We have been given choice and there are consequences. Scripture also highlights a time the Lord will come back for a church without spot or wrinkle. Soon after Jesus’ birth they had to escape to Egypt in Africa. In an attempt to kill King Jesus, who the wisemen had sought and found, Herod ordered all boys from birth to two years old to be murdered. It is hard to fathom the senseless slaughter of new born babies and children. “A voice is heard in Ramah weeping and great mourning…” Matthew 2:18 In the book of Matthew it is recorded that dreams, visions and divine visitations were used to inform Joseph and Mary and all those who were witnesses before, during and after the birth of Jesus, the Christ. One of the most significant visitations is recorded in the book of Luke: “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2:14). Signs and glorious wonders were an integral part of the birth of Jesus. What signs are we seeing today? The covenant word, the Bible, highlights the promise that Jesus will return. During this advent season we can use this time, in faith, to rejoice in the birth of Christ Jesus, and also prepare for His return. “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:27-28 © 2018-2025 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author.
***Note: Minor update of the original post made here by A.O. Brown *12/31/2018 ILLUMINATION The Announcement “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1 v 1- v5 (NIV). This morning I read John 1, a scripture I have read many times and heard many interpretations of. The Holy Spirit, of course, always provides new revelations and insight. The Word is a part of God. The Word is God. Just as we, in similar manner, speak, our Creator spoke Christ into existence. This Christ was an illumination of God, a part of Himself. John describes this essence of God coming as light into the dark, blind, unknowing, non comprehending creation. He came in the form of Jesus the Christ to us, and we, his very creation and made in His image, did not recognize Him. Recognition, as unveiled by scripture, came to some, when the Lord used specific sources and means to reveal Himself. Luke records in scripture that a host of angels appeared to a group of shepherds. The juxtaposition of heaven and earth is revealed in this glorious visitation of heavenly beings to shepherds on earth. “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” " Luke 2 v13-14 Transformed by their experience the shepherds went to see the child that they were told about and after experiencing the child, announced earlier to them, they told everyone about their encounter. The Witness “There once was a man, his name John, sent by God to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light.” John 1 v6-8 (Messenger). John knew that he was “tailor made” to be a witness of the coming of the kingdom of God and the coming of the Christ. His whole life was dedicated to this purpose and when he saw Jesus he announced: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1 v 29. (NIV) The Word Do we recognize the Word sent by God today? The Christ came, fully God and fully man, to be a light and a witness to us. Jesus the Christ, a manifested gift of our creator’s agape love! We have been provided with a gospel that is recorded in the Bible. These records are important tools for insight and teaching. Our personal response to a “personal God” is the key, however, to tapping into the benefits and revelation the Lord provides. Let us receive Him and believe in His name so we can become the children or offspring of God that we were originally designed to be. il·lu·mi·na·tion/iˌlo͞oməˈnāSH(ə)n/ noun
© 2018-2025, Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. I sat on the travel bag. The contents were soft and malleable. After all, many conscientious decisions had been made to disregard one specific item after the next. The camera bag was too bulky. I wanted to hone my skills in photography, however, making compact space was my primary concern. Each article of clothing was tightly folded and assessed for efficiency. No item was kept in the bag unless relevant and succinct use was determined. The process of packing a light travel bag is similar to our process of decision making during our life journey. Often, hard choices need to be made to remove physical, mental or spiritual items that have the potential to weigh us down. "Overload" can occur in every area of our lives. As I laid each individual article of clothing down on the bed, I made a mental picture of possible outfits. In addition, I decided to try on each article of clothing to make sure they fit well. How often do we imagine that something or someone will be a perfect fit? Actual interaction with an item, or indeed a person, can provide critical knowledge and this knowledge can affect one's choices and future actions. Jesus said we should take His yoke upon us. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30. But what does this scripture mean? Through the revelation and acceptance that Jesus is Lord, we have the opportunity to take on a lifestyle that provides a Peace that passes all understanding. Jesus says take on my yoke and learn of me. During the Lord's time here, in the manifestation of Jesus the Christ, his primary task was teaching. "Take on my yoke and learn of me...." Our Creator wants us to learn of Him. While we learn about and from Him, we in turn, learn more about ourselves. 'Love will be a commanding, constraining principle; and where love is, duty follows from a principle of gratitude. God will not only love obedient believers, but he will take pleasure in loving them, will rest in love to them. He will be with them as his home." John Henry Commentary (John 14:18). The Lord sent the promised Holy Spirit to continue the facilitation of teaching. "If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever-- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.". John 14:15-17. (NIV). We, of course, also have the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. We need the insight and revelation provided by the Holy Spirit for interpretation and understanding of the Bible. During my prayerful process of, Holy Spirit led, choices I am thankful for every opportunity to be guided by our Heavenly Father. Like the unwelcome prospect of an overweight suitcase, I am eager to make my life-journey lighter and less burdensome. © 2018-2024 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. 6/28/2024 3 Comments Who are the messengers today? A spiritual reflection by Annette O. Brown, Author.Int'l Standard Bible Encyclopedia Messenger mes'-en-jer: The regular Hebrew word for "messenger" is mal'akh, the Greek aggelos. This may be a human messenger or a messenger of God, an angel. Who are the messengers today. Messenger, as defined above, may be a human messenger or an angel, a messenger of God. Messengers have information to convey: “Message: a significant point or central theme, especially one that has political, social, or moral importance.” In this current climate, we are inundated with messages. Political, social and moral messages seem to wind and twist together often leaving gray areas of overlap. Scripture, however, has some very clear and distinct messages. “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The book of Romans. Chapter 12. Verse 2. The world system conveys messages, however, as believers, we are encouraged not to conform to this world. How on earth can that be done? By renewing our minds. We renew our minds by reading scripture, praying and allowing God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth in all situations. John the Baptist was a very distinct messenger. He is described by the prophet Isaiah as: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness. Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” His mission was to prepare hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus the Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. What messages are you hearing today? What significant points or central themes are you making to others? We all have messages. We all convey or communicate information to others in a distinct or subtle way, intentionally or unintentionally. Communication and messages are part of the human dynamic. We all need to be mindful of the messages we transmit because they will create an impression on others. The first and recent debate, between the 2024 US presidential candidates, is a reminder of the weight one’s message can have on others. Important factors are the content, the delivery, the clarity, the relevance and so much more! Of all the messages that are transmitted and received in our life time, the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is life giving and life changing. I am a witness that if you decide to accept Jesus the Christ into your heart and mind you will benefit from this decision and you will not regret it. You can accept the Lord as the Savior of your life with a simple and sincere prayer directly to the Him. If it is sincere, the Lord our God will respond to you in a unique way. There may not be any bells and whistles, however, you will know that you are changed. There are many messengers in the world today. What type of messenger do you want to be? I choose to be a messenger that provides messages of life and hope in the Lord. "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10 verse 9. © 2018-2024 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. Reflection written, as a representative of the community, for Volunteers for Springfield Park Inc. - 3rd Annual Luncheon & Community Service Awards Ceremony Journal, May 11th 2024. Winter entered with a slow gait and then shifted into a sprint. Summer bowed out and we lost it’s fiery presence and energizing spirit. Tree limbs became stark and the leaves, like colorful flames, fell never to rise again for the season.
The wind blew, the rain poured, the snow fell, the sun shone and the views of the horizon changed. But what if there were no buds or flowers and the grass remained brown and gray, devoid of bright and inviting colors? What if the soil continued to be stagnant, hard and unforgiving of the cold hard assault of frost and the persistent pelting of snow and ice? What would it be like, if spring never sprung and kicked out it’s hooves as it pressed out the shoots from seeds filled with the promise of living, moving “forms of life”? What if daffodils, like silent yellow trumpets, never press out before the “tulip rainbow” of glorious floral? As winter retreats, the ice cracks and melts on the lake’s surface and feathered creatures begin to dip and soar as their trained eyes skim the surface of the lake searching for their food. Unassuming fish snap at bait sent, like arrows, targeting their schools. Hunters in the air and on the ground wait patiently for the triumphant moment of “the catch!” Every season is posthumously honored as a predecessor to the new season. Like a well rehearsed orchestra the illustrious melodies of each season are played on a center stage for all to see. No tickets are required, just a “hushed respect” for the time and space needed for each performance. Springfield Gardens Park provides this type of stage. The conductors or gardeners are ready to guide and prepare different versions of the melody, however, the notes are faithfully performed and executed by each species. Visitors to the park can expect a prepared stage and predictable acts, like a new melody, for each season of the year. Very often the exquisite, graceful beauty, of wading birds are seen. Annual highlights are provided, such as, unique designs formed by lulled snow. Ice crystals form and cover the foliage like carpet and the tree tops like icing on a cake. What would it be like without the haven of a park, like Springfield Park, built and ready for visitors to come and experience? In the park the motion of life is captured through seasonal changes, the ebb and flow of the lake and the proximity of specific wildlife in all of their splendor. What would it be like if there were no parks? The community has the opportunity to pour into to a resource that has the potential to reciprocate and supply what only nature can. Parks and gardens are a natural, beneficial, resources for humankind, but only if we respect and cherish them, and agree, there can never be a time without them. © 2018-2024 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author Annette Olivia Brown, Author Books: Encounters and Reflections II - It is Written. Publisher: Trilogy Books, 2023 Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now? Publisher: AOB Creations, 2019 After singing psalms, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” Matthew 26 v 30
It was the first day of the Festival of Unleavened bread. It is written in Scripture, the disciples asked Jesus where he wanted them to prepare the Passover for him to eat it.. At this time the disciples did not realize Jesus was in the process of fulfilling a significant part of his purpose and ministry for all of humankind. Passover commemorates the deliverance and exodus of the Israelites from the bondage and tyranny of the Egyptians. The appointed time had come for their deliverance. Pharaoh finally released them after the tenth plague was sent, into all Egypt, in response to Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go. The first born male of every family and animal in the land was killed. Specific instructions, however, were given by God to Moses and Aaron for the Israelites to escape this plague. The instructions included the selection and slaughter of an unblemished male sheep or goat, a year old, for each household. “They must take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and lintel of the house where they eat them..roasted over a fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs…You are to eat it in a hurry: it is the Lord’s Passover. I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and strike every firstborn male in the land of Egypt both man and beast. ..when I see the blood I will pass over you.” ( Exodus 12 v7 -13). This epic event highlights so many things in the natural and in the spiritual realm. The strong hold that Pharaoh tried to keep over the Israelites mirrors the ongoing warfare we have with evil spirits. Most significantly, at that time, was the Lord’s requirement for something to die in order to cover or protect human beings from His wrath. In later years, the High Priest would sacrifice animals once a year in a symbolic sign of atonement. “But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.” (Hebrews 9 v 7). The Passover lamb that was slain and it’s blood was put on the doorposts to signify a sacrificial death took place. In similitude, the sacrificial lamb, Jesus, came prepared to present his body as a living sacrifice for us all. Therefore as He was coming into the world, He said: “You did not want sacrifice and offering, but you prepared a body for Me, You did not delight In whole burnt offerings and sin offerings Then I said, “ See – It is written about Me In the volume of the scroll. I have come to do your will God!” ( Hebrews 10 v 5). The Passover celebration includes a time of singing psalms in the area that the meal is experienced. After concluding the Passover meal they sung the traditional psalms and then Jesus made his way, significantly, to the Mount of Olives where the garden of Gethsemane is located. Here, the humanity and spirit of Jesus struggled in a torturous fight regarding obedience to the Father’s will. He accepted a demeaning and painful death. Jesus’ journey lead to death on a cross and temporary separation from God, the Father. The resurrection of Christ signifies the ultimate plan of God. It was prophesied, written and in faith we believe that the payment for sin was paid, power was taken away from death and everlasting life, through Christ, has been restored to humanity. Jesus took part in the celebration and memorial knowing that this time he would present himself as the ultimate, once and for all, sacrifice. During the Passover meal he lead the disciples into a recognition of a new covenant through his body and blood. Today, many of us continue this sacrament, a communion partaken in remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. Thank you Lord for being the ultimate sacrifice for all of my sins. We all have the opportunity to accept the atonement made for us. During this season, many of us set time aside to specifically recollect the purpose driven ministry of Jesus the Christ. We will consider the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice and try to understand the personal love God has for us all. He did it all for me! and for you. Mutualism definition:
Mutualisms are defined as interactions between organisms of two different species, in which each organism benefits from the interaction in some way. (Biology dictionary) Mutualism At the end of every winter I am convinced that the fig tree will not return with lush green leaves and purple drops of delightful delicacies. Every year, however, I have been pleasantly surprised by the budding of new leaves on lack luster branches that seem dry and diminished of any promise of life. The fig tree is mentioned several times in the Bible. Many people are familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, who are described as the first man and woman, created by God. In the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve use fig leaves to cover themselves when they became aware of their “nakedness”: “ Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loin cloths for themselves.” Genesis 2:7 “ This reflection, however, is focused on the fig fruits and not the leaves. We will explore important factors in the construction of the fig fruit and the relationship the construction of specific types of figs have to the act of sacrifice and the gift of salvation. I discovered a fig tree in the back garden several years ago. I was reminded of scripture that included references to fig trees, however, I was not familiar with the structure of a fig tree at the time. I had never seen figs on a tree and I was very apprehensive during my first interaction and consequent exploration of them. When I finally decided to taste a whole fig, after a lot of research and inquiry, I was pleasantly surprised and delighted by the taste and the texture of this fruit. The figs of this particular tree have a royal, shiny, purple hue. Pollinated or not pollinated, this is the question… There are many different varieties of figs in the United States that do not require pollination. “These days many of the fig varieties that we buy in grocery stores and at farmers markets in the US don’t require pollination… the Calimyrna, which has a yellow-green skin and is typically sold dried, requires fig wasps for pollination. “There’s no real way to tell from the outside, but if the fig contains seeds it will have been pollinated [by a fig wasp],” says Shanahan. (What do you mean there are dead wasps in my figs? Francis, Ali September 7,2022) https://www.bonappetit.com/story/figs-and-wasps Mutual coexistence In order to reproduce, a female wasp will crawl into a fig and lay its eggs. The antenna and wings are broken. “To pollinate these species, a female fig wasp, just a couple of millimeters long, forces her way into a nonedible, unripe male-behaving fig where she lays her eggs in the flowers. Along the way, her antennae snap and her wings are yanked from her body—“it’s a tight squeeze,” says Shanahan—leaving her no way out. Her wingless male offspring mate with the winged female offspring (yes, they’re sisters) before using their huge jaws to chomp tunnels through the fig that will allow the ladies to leave. But before she bids adieu, that fertilized female wasp collects pollen from the male flowers. Then she squeezes out the engineered escape routes, leaving her brothers and mother for dead inside the fig. It’s her duty. Out in the world, she takes flight in search of specific figs, guided by smell, in which to lay her eggs. If the female wasp enters a male-behaving fig, the process repeats identically; she sacrifices her life to further the cause. “ (What do mean there are dead wasps in my figs? Francis, Ali September 7,2022) https://www.bonappetit.com/story/figs-and-wasps Our Savior, Christ Jesus, sacrificed His life for the benefit of all humankind. A wasp, unlike a human or "God man", as Jesus is, doesn’t have a mind to reason or deliberate, however, this action of giving up it’s life in order to provide life to offspring reflects some of the sacrificial actions taken by the Lord. Jesus laid down His life as a sacrifice to the Father and paid the price, once and for all, for all of our sins. Sin separates us from God our Spiritual Father. A remedy for sin was introduced at the Fall of man. An animal was killed in order to provide animal skin covering for Adam and Eve. The sacrificial death of this animal was also a temporary atonement for the sin that caused the relationship with God and humanity to be broken. Christ Jesus came into the world to provide a way for humanity to be reconciled to our Creator God. His sacrificial death paid the price for all sin once and for all!. There is nothing that we can do by ourselves to reconcile ourselves to God. The Lord Jesus, the truth and the life, made a way for us all. A Divine plan Thank God for the divine plan of salvation. The sacrifice of one has provided a way to life, in the spirit, for all humanity. Jesus’ sacrifice is a gift of agape love that we all have the opportunity to accept. There is a mutual obligation created between humans and Christ Jesus. Jesus lived and then chose to lay His life down so that we can have life and that more abundantly. The birth of Christ Jesus, the earthly life journey and current existence by the side of the Father, provides the way to an ongoing, mutually beneficial, coexistence with our Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In the beginning, humans fellowshipped in a sinless coexistence with God. Jesus is the gate that leads us back to this blessed life of living, as one, with God our Creator… forever! The fig is not actually a fruit. The fig is an inflorescence: “ a cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch in a complicated arrangement of branches.” Wikipedia. The fallen leaves were thoroughly gathered and disposed of. All of the trees had shed their last coat of leaves, except one.
“Why are the leaves still falling from this tree?” she demanded. She thought deeply about this challenge and then later declared “I am the one that needs to adjust, not this tree!” She gave the tree a big, conciliatory hug. I could image this scene. Humanity and nature finding common ground, surrounded by disinterested tree trunks and branches, freshly cut grass and the cool winter breeze. Short puffs of dragon like smoke must of gushed out of her mouth as she exclaimed her original disdain. Autumn was retiring slowly as winter rushed in to take it’s seat. Keisha worked as a grounds keeper in a local community park. We encountered each other months ago during one of my brisk walks in the park. Since our initial meeting, we often have short but rich dialogues about the sovereignty of God in our lives. Keisha’s epiphany is: the tree is fulfilling it’s purpose. We may want circumstances to change for our convenience or our immediate needs. God, however, knows the bigger plan. Obstacles serve a necessary purpose in our lives. Sometimes we need to redefine what we first perceive as an obstacle, like Keisha did. Sometimes we need to find a way to move the obstacle, with insight and leading from God’s Holy Spirit. Perhaps, we may need to find a way around an obstacle! Whatever direction we need to go in, whatever ultimate choices we need to make, God our Creator, our Spiritual Father, will lead and guide us as we seek Him for His will and perfect timing. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 1/19/2024 0 Comments "Love is a decision - A Reflection" - Journey Continues Blog. Annette Olivia Brown, author.Decision. de·ci·sion /dəˈsiZH(ə)n/ noun
It is hard to make a decision sometimes. Indecisiveness is not so important in minor instances, for example, during the process of selecting an ice cream flavor. Love, however, love is a decision and the choice matters in all instances. Love is often depicted in Hollywood and society in general as something one falls into or over powers one’s will. This may indeed be apart of the initial process in all types of love. Agape love is the guiding light for love and the example that the Lord himself provided to us all. The singing group the Bee Gees sang a popular song “How deep is your love?” I had no idea why this song came to my mind, however, when I read the second verse I saw the appropriateness: “I believe in you You know the door to my very soul You're the light in my deepest, darkest hour You're my *saviour when I fall.” “How deep is your love?” Song by the Bee Gees. Scripture documents it and our heart and mind experience a connection to our Savior that provides this type of deep love. At the time we make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we agree that the person and spirit of Jesus the Christ is a manifestation of God with us, Emmanuel. We make a confession of our belief, in faith, and now experience a deeper relationship with God who is the spiritual Father of us all. We believe that our soul, our very being, is known by the living God. Psalm 139 states: “You know when I sit and when I rise You perceive my thoughts from afar You discern my going out and my lying down.” You know the door to my soul. You know the thing that allows a connection to my soul. The entry way to my being. There are situations, circumstances, experiences that we can only label as a dark hour. Things that took us by surprise and shook us to the core. Devastating situations, and also some situations that we brought upon ourselves or decisions that were less than favorable “In the deepest darkest hour…..you are my savior when I fall.” Whatever the situation, God promises never to leave us or forsake us. We may not be saved from the circumstance, however, the Lord maintains us some how, through the “floods and fires.” of life. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; The flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God…” Isaiah 43 v 2 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3) took this promise to task. They understood that God is Sovereign and God is Spirit. Our Father is everlasting and we, as spirits, have the choice to live forever with the Lord or without the Lord. Love is a decision. Our Savior, Jesus the Christ, made the choice to give up His life for our sins. We now have the choice to believe and receive everlasting life with our Heavenly Father. Love provides a choice. *Saviour is the British spelling. 12/21/2023 4 Comments "On earth as it is in Heaven." A ChristMas reflection. Annette Olivia Brown, author.Exuding
(of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly. "On earth as it is in Heaven" This is an exciting time. In the midst of all the darkness, exuding from humanity, there is still the promise of abundant and also everlasting life! A beautiful metaphor for human spiritual transformation is the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. We can regard our lives as a journey through a type of metamorphosis. The initial form of human existence is functional and exploratory. We are fashioned for our current existence. Simultaneously and fluidly we are all coexisting in a spiritual realm. All of us see our current selves through a glass dimly. "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV). We are not caterpillars, however, both insect and man have a God given sense of purpose. When our purpose aligns with our drive, activity and action we have the potential to flourish. Salvation is a gift that provides a key to everlasting and abundant life now with our Creator God. Jesus came that we might have the choice of salvation and abundant life in the Lord. "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]." John 10:10 (AMP). Hope is something that we can all have. There is the hope of salvation and reconciliation to God our spiritual Father. God is Spirit and we are spirit. " God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth .." Salvation and reconciliation to our Creator, God, are gifts for our lives now, here on earth, and also for a time to come. This is awesome and wonderful. With our God of love we are guided. Jesus, Emmanuel or God with us, was born, lived, died and rose again to provide the way, the truth and the life. ReplyForward |
AuthorAnnette Brown embarked on a life journey of Christianity, over 20 years ago. A reflective educator and avid constructivist - reflection has been a part of her daily work and a tool for personal growth and assessment. Birthed out of this practice is reflection connected to divinely inspired insight and revelation . Her first book "Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now" encompasses these perspectives through a lens of story telling and photographic images. Archives
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