12/1/2023 8 Comments "The Announcement, The Witness and The Word" (repost of reflection) Annette Olivia Brown, author. Illumination: a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination. ILLUMINATION The Announcement “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1 v 1- v5 (NIV). This morning I read John 1, a scripture I have read many times and heard many interpretations of. The Holy Spirit, of course, always provides new revelations and insight. The word is a part of the being of God. Just as we, in similar manner, speak, our Creator spoke Christ into existence. This Christ was an illumination of God, a part of Himself. John describes this essence of God coming as light into the dark, blind, unknowing, non comprehending creation. He came in the form of Jesus the Christ to us, and we, his very creation and made in His image, did not recognize Him. Recognition, as unveiled by scripture, came to some, when the Lord used specific sources and means to reveal Himself. Luke records in scripture that a host of angels appeared to a group of shepherds. The juxtaposition of heaven and earth is revealed in this glorious visitation of heavenly beings to shepherds on earth. “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” " Luke 2 v13-14 Transformed by their experience the shepherds went to see the child that they were told about and after experiencing the child, announced earlier to them, they told everyone about their encounter. The Witness “There once was a man, his name John, sent by God to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light.” John 1 v6-8 Messenger “There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.” John 1 v6-7 NIV John knew that he was “tailor made” to be a witness of the coming of the kingdom of God and the coming of the Christ. His whole life was dedicated to this purpose and when he saw Jesus he announced: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1 v 29. (NIV) The Word Do we recognize the Word sent by God today? The Christ came, fully God and fully man, to be a light and a witness to us. Jesus the Christ, a manifested gift of our Creator’s agape love! "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. " John 1 v 11-12 (NIV) We have been provided with a gospel that is recorded in the Bible. These records are important tools for insight and teaching. Our personal response to a “personal God” is the key, however, to tapping into the benefits and revelation the Lord provides. Let us receive Him and believe in His name so we can become the children or offspring of God that we were originally designed to be. © 2018-2023, Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author.
Spoken words program one’s spirit either for success or defeat. Words are containers. They carry faith or fear. If we look at Romans 10 verse 17 it tells us that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” I firmly believe if we keep confessing the word of God in our daily conversation we in turn will receive God’s words and blessing more freely in our spirit. I don’t think we should speak about satan in our daily conversation. The more we speak about satan the more we elevate him. We speak a lot about having power but are we using it? Are we using it enough to get the enemy out of the way. We sing songs like “I command you satan in the name of the Lord to take up your weapons and flee.” But are we using God’s authority? We sing these songs and read so many scriptures that tell us how to defeat satan and yet, when crisis occurs, most of the time, we let cowardice or fear take over. The question is, who has the power over satan? The answer is us. But when we panic that is what satan wants to see. For example, if you have a burst pipe, what comes first… panic! That’s what the enemy wants. The first thing we should do is pray. If you are in control, that is what you should do. Then you should get to the water main as fast as you can and turn it off! Don’t cancel your appointment. Don’t give up. By the end of the day you will be a winner. When I was in school we learned some very well-known poems, written by some famous poets. Poets like Rudyard Kipling, John Bunyon and William Wordsworth. One that I like to quote is: “Cowards die many times before their deaths. the valiant never taste of death but once.” (Julius Ceaesar Act 2, Scene 2) This is so true. Fear and worry makes us die many times so don’t you think it’s time for us to take control and get on fire for the Lord? Remember, God has given us the power of His Word to keep us on track for success and victory! 9/13/2023 5 Comments "Sacrifice and Mutualism" An exploration by Annette Olivia Brown, Christian Author.Mutualism definition:
Mutualisms are defined as interactions between organisms of two different species, in which each organism benefits from the interaction in some way. (Biology dictionary) Mutualism At the end of every winter I am convinced that the fig tree will not return with lush green leaves and purple drops of delightful delicacies. Every year, however, I have been pleasantly surprised by the budding of new leaves on lack lustre branches that seem dry and diminished of any promise of life. The fig tree is mentioned several times in the Bible. Many people are familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, who are described as the first man and woman, created by God. In the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve use fig leaves to cover themselves when they became aware of their “nakedness”: “ Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made loin cloths for themselves.” Genesis 2:7 “ This reflection, however, is focused on the fig fruits and not the leaves. We will explore important factors in the construction of the fig fruit and the relationship the construction of specific types of figs have to the act of sacrifice and the gift of salvation. I discovered a fig tree in the back garden several years ago. I was reminded of scripture that included references to fig trees, however, I was not familiar with the structure of a fig tree at the time. I had never seen figs on a tree and I was very apprehensive during my first interaction and consequent exploration of them. When I finally decided to taste a whole fig, after a lot of research and inquiry, I was pleasantly surprised and delighted by the taste and the texture of this fruit. The figs of this particular tree have a royal, shiny, purple hue. Pollinated or not pollinated, this is the question… There are many different varieties of figs in the United States that do not require pollination. “These days many of the fig varieties that we buy in grocery stores and at farmers markets in the US don’t require pollination… the Calimyrna, which has a yellow-green skin and is typically sold dried, requires fig wasps for pollination. “There’s no real way to tell from the outside, but if the fig contains seeds it will have been pollinated [by a fig wasp],” says Shanahan. (What do you mean there are dead wasps in my figs? Francis, Ali September 7,2022) https://www.bonappetit.com/story/figs-and-wasps Mutual coexistence In order to reproduce, a female wasp will crawl into a fig and lay its eggs. The antenna and wings are broken. “To pollinate these species, a female fig wasp, just a couple of millimeters long, forces her way into a nonedible, unripe male-behaving fig where she lays her eggs in the flowers. Along the way, her antennae snap and her wings are yanked from her body—“it’s a tight squeeze,” says Shanahan—leaving her no way out. Her wingless male offspring mate with the winged female offspring (yes, they’re sisters) before using their huge jaws to chomp tunnels through the fig that will allow the ladies to leave. But before she bids adieu, that fertilized female wasp collects pollen from the male flowers. Then she squeezes out the engineered escape routes, leaving her brothers and mother for dead inside the fig. It’s her duty. Out in the world, she takes flight in search of specific figs, guided by smell, in which to lay her eggs. If the female wasp enters a male-behaving fig, the process repeats identically; she sacrifices her life to further the cause. “ (What do mean there are dead wasps in my figs? Francis, Ali September 7,2022) https://www.bonappetit.com/story/figs-and-wasps Our Savior, Christ Jesus, sacrificed His life for the benefit of all humankind. A wasp, unlike a human or "God man", as Jesus is, doesn’t have a mind to reason or deliberate, however, this action of giving up it’s life in order to provide life to offspring reflects some of the sacrificial actions taken by the Lord. Jesus laid down His life as a sacrifice to the Father and paid the price, once and for all, for all of our sins. Sin separates us from God our Spiritual Father. A remedy for sin was introduced at the Fall of man. An animal was killed in order to provide animal skin covering for Adam and Eve. The sacrificial death of this animal was also a temporary atonement for the sin that caused the relationship with God and humanity to be broken. Christ Jesus came into the world to provide a way for humanity to be reconciled to our Creator God. His sacrificial death paid the price for all sin once and for all!. There is nothing that we can do by ourselves to reconcile ourselves to God. The Lord Jesus, the truth and the life, made a way for us all. A Divine plan Thank God for the divine plan of salvation. The sacrifice of one has provided a way to life, in the spirit, for all humanity. Jesus’ sacrifice is a gift of agape love that we all have the opportunity to accept. There is a mutual obligation created between humans and Christ Jesus. Jesus lived and then chose to lay His life down so that we can have life and that more abundantly. The birth of Christ Jesus, the earthly life journey and current existence by the side of the Father, provides the way to an ongoing, mutually beneficial, coexistence with our Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In the beginning, humans fellowshipped in a sinless coexistence with God. Jesus is the gate that leads us back to this blessed life of living, as one, with God our Creator… forever! The fig is not actually a fruit. The fig is an inflorescence: “ a cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch in a complicated arrangement of branches.” Wikipedia. © 2018-2023 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. 7/27/2023 2 Comments The Power Of Words - A short reflection. ~ Annette Olivia Brown, Christian author.The power of words - a short reflection.” Annette Olivia Brown, Christian author “The fiftieth year will be your Jubilee. You are not to sow, reap what grows by itself or harvest its untended vines. It is to be holy to you because it is the Jubilee.” Lev. 25:11 Fifty years represents the Jubilee year in scripture. In Leviticus 25 the author, Moses, unfolds all of the instructions provided by the Lord to the Israelites for the Sabbath years and Jubilee. “You are to count seven sabbatical years, seven times seven years so the time period of seven sabbatical years amounts to 49…The fiftieth year will be your Jubilee.” Lev 25:8. Jubilee is a designated time, by the Lord for reset! rest and breakthrough. It is also an opportunity to align oneself to God our Creator. It “dawned on me,” recently, that this is the 50th year celebration of Hip Hop! Rappers have shared many different messages through various genres of music in this art form. The cultural significance of Hip Hop music is world wide. I find it interesting that the power of the spoken word is really amplified through Hip Hop. It is the power of words that I would like to reflect on briefly. THE WORD The spiritual power of God’s written word, scripture, and spoken word that is heard and/or experienced is so significant. The Lord created our very being with the word and communicates with us by His word in spirit and in truth. The Holy Spirit was sent to provide the understanding and truth of God’s word to us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.” John 1:1. OUR WORDS Words written or spoken are like seeds. Words communicated to others, for example, can build up, encourage, enlighten, provide joy and a window to great adventures. Words can also tear down, discourage, attempt to rob one of joy, bore or instigate destruction. Words are like food. We need to be mindful of what we eat and what we prepare for others to dine on. “For to whom much is given, of him will be much required. And to whom men commit much, the more will they ask of him.” Luke 12:48 (NMB). I pray that we will all increase in understanding, knowledge and mindfulness about the power of the words we use and are exposed to. © 2018-2023 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. 6/15/2023 0 Comments "Time apart with the Holy Spirit." - By Annette Olivia Brown, Christian Author.Time apart with the Holy Spirit “…And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—” John 14:16. In the book of John, Chapter 14 the author recounts dialogue between the apostles and Jesus, the Christ. Included in this dialogue is a promise made by Jesus to send a helper, an advocate and guide. We all have the ability to choose. If you accept salvation, confessing with your heart and mind that Jesus is Lord, you are stepping into a relationship with our Heavenly Father. (Romans 10:9). In relationship with the Father, the advocate, the Holy Spirit, intercedes when we pray and guides us in all of our decision making. When we set time aside to be in the presence of God we invite His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us and leads us into all truth. Each person’s relationship is unique and the Lord provides different types and amounts of insights and revelation to each person. “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.” John 16 :13 I was fascinated with an article I read in the New York Times recently. The article included a topic about “awe walks” - a mindfulness method. Many of the methods in mindfulness are akin to the awe we should have for God’s creation. I have experienced the benefits of pausing to meditate and use the faculties and senses provided to us to engage our surroundings. It is so beneficial to allow our personal thoughts and concerns to be placed on pause. This type of rest is a strategic time for God’s Holy Spirit to provide us with peace and guidance. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46 v10. As the psalmist wrote in Psalm 46, there are times that we need to make a distinct choice to be still and know God. © 2018-2023 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. God’s awesome Creation
“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters…” Book of Genesis Chapter 1, verse 2 (NIV) This is the second verse in the first book and the first chapter of the Bible. The imagery is very vivid and daunting, and, simultaneously, exciting. This is a pivotal moment in time. Humanity was still a thought. Everything that was eventually created on earth was hanging in the breath of our Creator. "God’s awesome Creation" is a term or tag line I have been using to underscore my belief. I believe that God, our Creator, formed and enabled everything on earth, above the earth and below the earth. Everything! wherever it resides. Over the last few years I have been intentionally exploring nature. My focus has been, primarily, plant life, birds and animals, the sky, bodies of water, parks and areas in society that promote peace and harmony. Creation, all of creation, as we experience it daily, is not always peaceful, harmonious or pleasant. Look at the quick demise of Adam and Eve’s offspring, Cain and Able. Humanity without the intervention of God is hopeless! We have choice and therefore we need guidance. We need our source. We need Our Creator’s grace, and most of all love, to exist in an abundant life. To exist is full of God given grace and to exist in abundance is to have a relationship with our Creator. Through God, who is Spirit, we achieve a better understanding of ourselves. We can build a relationship with God by meditating, praying, scripture centered reading, experiencing dialogue inspired by the Spirit of God, seeking and exploring the knowledge of God, learning and teaching the word of God, Listening to the Holy Spirit and much more. There are so many ways our loving Abba, Father, provides for communication and relationship with Him. In the midst of any chaos in our lives or the world at large, our God is still creating and making things new. We are all God’s awesome Creation. “After singing psalms, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” Matthew 26 v 30
It was the first day of the Festival of Unleavened bread. It is written in Scripture, the disciples asked Jesus where he wanted them to prepare the Passover for him to eat it.. At this time the disciples did not realize Jesus was in the process of fulfilling a significant part of his purpose and ministry to us all. Passover commemorates the deliverance and exodus of the Israelites from the bondage and tyranny of the Egyptians. The appointed time had come for their deliverance. Pharaoh finally released them after the tenth plague was sent, into all Egypt, in response to Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go. The first born male of every family and animal in the land was killed. Specific instructions, however, were given by God to Moses and Aaron for the Israelites to escape this plague. The instructions included the selection and slaughter of an unblemished male sheep or goat, a year old, for each household. “They must take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and lintel of the house where they eat them..roasted over a fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs…You are to eat it in a hurry: it is the Lord’s Passover. I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and strike every firstborn male in the land of Egypt both man and beast. ..when I see the blood I will pass over you.” ( Exodus 12 v7 -13). This epic event highlights so many things in the natural and in the spiritual realm. The strong hold that Pharaoh tried to keep over the Israelites mirrors the ongoing warfare we have with evil spirits. Most significantly, at that time, was the Lord’s requirement for something to die in order to cover or protect human beings from His wrath. In later years, the High Priest would sacrifice animals once a year in a symbolic sign of atonement. “But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.” (Hebrews 9 v 7). The Passover lamb that was slain and it’s blood was put on the doorposts to signify a sacrificial death took place. In similitude, the sacrificial lamb, Jesus, came prepared to present his body as a living sacrifice for us all. Therefore as He was coming into the world, He said: “You did not want sacrifice and offering, but you prepared a body for Me, You did not delight In whole burnt offerings and sin offerings Then I said, “ See – It is written about Me In the volume of the scroll. I have come to do your will God!” ( Hebrews 10 v 5). The Passover celebration includes a time of singing psalms in the area that the meal is experienced. After concluding the Passover meal they sung the traditional psalms and then Jesus made his way, significantly, to the Mount of Olives where the garden of Gethsemane is located. Here, the humanity and spirit of Jesus struggled in a torturous fight regarding obedience to the Father’s will. He accepted a demeaning and painful death. Jesus’ journey lead to death on a cross and temporary separation from God, the Father. The resurrection of Christ signifies the ultimate plan of God. It was prophesied, written and in faith we believe that the payment for sin was paid, power was taken away from death and everlasting life, through Christ, has been restored to humanity. Jesus took part in the celebration and memorial knowing that this time he would present himself as the ultimate, once and for all, sacrifice. During the Passover meal he lead the disciples into a recognition of a new covenant through his body and blood. Today, many of us continue this sacrament, a communion partaken in remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. Thank you Lord for being the ultimate sacrifice for all of my sins. We all have the opportunity to accept the atonement made for us. During this season, many of us set time aside to specifically recollect the purpose driven ministry of Jesus the Christ. We will consider the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice and try to understand the personal love God has for us all. He did it all for me! and for you. 3/30/2023 4 Comments "Led by the Spirit - Anchored by the Word." Inspired by the Lord - Annette Olivia Brown, Christian Author Anchor
Plow and scoop anchors reset themselves easily if the current or wind changes. (www.wesmarine.com) noun noun: anchor; plural noun: anchors ● a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom, typically one having a metal shank with a ring at one end for the rope and a pair of curved and/or barbed flukes at the other. ● a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation. “And there came a voice from heaven: This is My beloved Son. I take delight in Him! Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted” Matthew 3:17 - 4:11 Jesus had just been acknowledged. Father, Son and Holy Spirit agreed. Soon after, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted. After fasting for 40 days! The tempter came. The account of the Temptation of Jesus, brings to mind the clashing of two world leaders. The devil, however, was given a certain amount of dominion and Jesus, as Creator, has all power and dominion. Fully God and fully man, Jesus was tested and prepared for the ultimate, purpose driven challenge ahead of Him. The Suppression Of Power For A Greater Goal. Jesus was presented with situations that He could have subjected himself to. Yes, He could turn stones into bread. His fasting, however, was purposeful. Spiritual fasts are known to provide, among many things, clarity, self knowledge and better decision-making. Yes, He could have put Himself in harms way, however, this action would not be in alignment with the wisdom and relationship He had with the Father. He walked in agreement with the Father and, like us, made the best decisions when He aligned Himself with the Father’s will. “Father if you are willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.” Luke 22:42. Jesus was then tempted with taking His life and therefore, aborting the purposed plans for His life. Real power lies in the treasure of worship to the one and only God. This blessing of relationship with the Father was consistent for Jesus. In addition, He knew the established Word of truth better than anyone or entity. Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6). Yes, He could have made the decision to seek recognition and power from something or person other than the Sovereign God. The Father of lies offered all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship to him in lieu of Yahweh, God. The world and everything in it belongs to God and worship to the true and living God is paramount. It is written. It is written. It is written. Jesus made constant reference to the established product of the written word of God. Scripture, passed on through the ages. A written word that was substantiated by God Himself in covenant with humanity through Moses. “When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.” Exodus 31:18 Scripture is supernatural and not just words in print. Scripture is a tool that can feed our mind and most of all our spirit. Yet, as the text, Luke 4 1-12, illustrates, Scripture is only beneficial when it is communicated through connection with the Holy Spirit and not entities that have been created to deceive. When we know the truth, it sets us free. Free to live in alignment with our Heavenly Father, The Son and Holy Spirit. © 2018-2023 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (Amp) Let, not prevent or forbid, but allow your light to shine. When it becomes dark we need light. The action of turning on “the light” or light switch has become ingrained in our modern day life. When the Sun goes down and the sunlight begins to fade…on goes the light switch or light sensitive lights are activated automatically. We are encouraged, in Scripture, to let our lights shine. Unlike light sensitive bulbs, however, our lights may not come on automatically when dark situations descend on us. Dark situations take on so many different forms. Dark, defined as the absence of light in a place, is used here as a metaphor for challenges and difficulty. Daunting and merciless difficulty usually comes when we are least prepared for it. Unexpected tragedy, wars, loss of life and outright evil mindedness… How do we shine in such darkness? Deliberately and without qualms. We are to LET our light shine, to give way for light to burst free. Let suggests choice and also provision. Light is available to us, however, we need to allow it to shine. Just as darkness can fall upon us, our light has the potential to suppress the dark. When we light a candle in the dark, darkness is suppressed. In the same way, light representing hope, holiness, God-likeness, happiness, joy, justice and peace has great potential to be supreme. As a human race we have great potential to let this type of light shine. I share this to encourage someone…and myself. Light overcomes the dark. We must LET our light shine today. Go Deeper
When a bee regards an assortment of beautiful flowers, how does it know which flower to choose for its desired need? How does a reader determine what book to read? What are some important factors that influence human decision making? The color of a flower is a strong determinant for bees when selecting a flower for pollen. The non-visible odor of a flower is also an important factor. Recently, another less visible factor, has been discovered that attracts bees to flowers and that is an electric field around the flower. “Flowers generate weak electric fields and a new study shows that bumble bees can actually sense those electric fields using the tiny hairs on their fuzzy bodies.” (npr.org ). A book, they say, should not be judged by it’s cover and so it is with the selection of a flower by bumble bees. A flower’s color, like a book’s cover is not the only determining factor. The content of a book, like pollen, is in essence, the desired product for a reader. The desired pollen from a flower is retrieved when the bee makes the right determination by using it’s relevant senses and looking for patterns that lead to pollen in a flower. We are sensual or sense - ual beings, it is a part of our natural structure. Sense of sight connects and intertwines with the sense of smell, taste and touch to inform us and influence our decision making process. Appearance, often the first experience we have with something, is important and conveys a very influential initial message to our minds. Adam, the first man created and described in Genesis 2 must have had a strong sense of discernment. His initial unbroken alignment with our Creator, God, must have allowed their communication to flow seamlessly. We are spirit, mind and body. There are unseen factors that influence everything. “Human decision making is strongly biased by unconscious mental processes that sometimes cause good outcomes quickly but sometimes cause us to make irrational choices.” Jeff Johnson, Designing with the Mind in Mind. 3rd edition. When Adam selected an appropriate name for each animal, I imagine he had to go deeper in his analysis and used all of his five senses of taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. In addition to his five senses he had access to spiritual tools of wisdom and insight that went beyond the natural environment. A clarion call today, I believe, is for all of us to go deeper in are process of sense making. The quality of the content in a book, the essence, like the pollen in a flower, is acquired by going deeper. Let’s take a deeper dive by using our God given spiritual discernment. With our heavenly Father we acquire the guidance, understanding and truth that we need in everyday living. Let’s go deeper in acquiring understanding. Let’s go deeper into the meditation of the word of God to gain understanding, revelation and truth. There is so much, especially in this world today, that we should not take at face value. © 2018-2023, Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author. |
AuthorAnnette Brown embarked on a life journey of Christianity, over 20 years ago. A reflective educator and avid constructivist - reflection has been a part of her daily work and a tool for personal growth and assessment. Birthed out of this practice is reflection connected to divinely inspired insight and revelation . Her first book "Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now" encompasses these perspectives through a lens of story telling and photographic images. Archives
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