Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now?
Can we hear God in our everyday encounters? Join Annette on her journey of divine encounters with reflections. Experience how she gains insight from Scripture and by the Holy Spirit. Explore using simple strategies for your own inspired reflection. (*Author signed Copy with website sale.) Encounters and Reflections II - It Is Written
Watch this short video introducing this book: https://tinyurl.com/46h5xj9j Encounters and Reflections II: It Is Written is an inspired book conceived within authentic encounters and prayers. Annette invites you to reflect and journal. Read about her experiences and gain insight from specific scripture and guidance from the Holy Spirit, who provides a lens into our everyday lives. Read and engage with a reflection and inspired images. Relate the encounter to scripture provided. Respond to a writing prompt provided for your reflection and journaling. ***Author Signed copy of book with website sale Encounters Bookmarks - Laminated set of 3
Set of 3 laminated bookmarks. (white construction paper and dark blue ink print design) Encounters and Reflections II - Park Bench Postcards - Set of 2
Original photograph. Image from reflection "The Park Bench" in book: Encounters and Reflections II - It Is Written. Dimensions: 5 in. by 7 in. White card stock. Color print. A Set of 2 postcards. Encounters and Reflections II - Love Postcards - Set of 2
Original photograph. Image from reflection "The Keys" in the book: Encounters and Reflections II - It Is Written. Dimensions 5 in. by 7 in. White card stock. Color print. A set of 2 postcards. DONATE TO BASICS INT'l
You can also donate at the BASICS International website: https://basicsinternational.org/ A global community based intervention program. Based in Accra, Ghana, Africa. Visit the website recorded above for more information. Catching The Sun - A Booklet. ( Digital download)
Catching the Sun is the first reflection in the book: "Encounters and Reflections - Can you hear me now?" A. O. Brown, author. Includes a journal prompt for individual or collaborative group to reflect. Journal prompt on a journal page for personal notes. (Four pages in color print.) Excerpt of book. Interactive resource. |
© 2018-2024 Annette O. Brown Creations, Media. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured by the author.